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2020 - 2021


Android, iOS | 3D Picture Cross Puzzle

Train your brain in solving 3D adaptations of the classic nonogram puzzles genre! Discover awesome items by completing each puzzle and using them to decorate awesome levels!

Occupation (SPACE BIT)

Lead Game Designer | Producer

While working at Space Bit, I simultaneously adopted the multiple roles of Lead Game Designer and Producer of the products. Logic Cube was a game that I started designing by receiving previous materials about the demands and market opportunities provided by the publisher.

After conducting the discovery process, I was responsible for the general design of the game, including its Levels and economy, I coordinated the production team determined the goals and priorities of the product, and maintained direct communication with the publisher By Aliens.


During the process, I was able to use the project as a source of mentoring for Game Designers Juniors, who contributed to the level and narrative development.

The game was only released in a soft launch. While notably capturing users from India, it has not proven itself valid for continuity.

Developer | Publisher

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