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PC | Party Game

Spookyard is an online and local 2D multiplayer game for PC that has different and competitive dynamics for each arena, offering game modes that can vary within the topdown and sidescroll camera styles.


The game offers four characters, each with their own special and basic skills and four arenas with different objectives.


With different challenges in each stage, instead of eliminating opponents by damage. The winner is the one who manages to fulfill the objectives of the game mode. The player uses the skills of the characters to create strategies that can hinder his opponents and reach the goal.


Game Designer | Project Manager | UX/UI

During my internship at the ICADGames / VisionLab Laboratory, it can be said that Spookyard was one of the most ambitious projects for me, and for the team for which I took the lead.

As a Game Designer, I was responsible for the idealization of the entire structure of the game, from the context to the characters, levels, and balance.

The game was developed in the Love framework, using the language LUA, which for me and the entire Creative Team was a challenge, without a graphical interface. These conditions provided a deeper understanding of the optimization and creation of assets for the game.

As Project Manager, I performed my first task management using the Agile methodology in Trello, creating the backlog, coordinating sprints, and assigning tasks.


Whenever necessary, in the absence of any staff member during academic duties, I also assumed UI development and UX planning.

Second place on

"Melhor da Feira"

SB Games 2017

Developer | Publisher

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